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Cimmons gives jobs, hopes, and best BPO services amidst pandemic
March 30: Strong are the ones who serve and support humanity during difficult times. Setting such a groundbreaking example of service and support came from a startup in Bengaluru called Cimmons Integrated Services Pvt Ltd, an emerging global service partnering company best known for its BPO and call centre support.
When tech giants were laying off even their experienced employees at the early stage of the pandemic, Cimmons was hiring talents.
Young and dynamic CEO of Cimmons, Mr Sharrath KM was giving shape to his startup in 2020 when COVID was at its peak. He saw the opportunity to serve organisations when they needed it the most and helped them grow during crises.
Cimmons has become the best call centre and customer support organisation in India today with its hard-working and capable employees, having ISO 9001:2015 & ISMS 27001:2013 certifications.
The organisation feels proud for serving more than 15 clients with a workforce of around 260 employees within two years of its inception. Cimmons has shown tremendous growth of 21 percent during its initial years.
Mega clients such as Honda, Bosch, Loob, and Tata speak volumes of the customer services provided by the highly efficient and trained staff of Cimmons.
Besides providing seamless and excellent inbound and outbound call centre and customer support services, Cimmons also provides efficient data processing, data verification, data mining, and data entry services to the clients. The services associated with the data help businesses identify useful information and increase business opportunities.
In today’s internet age, when web and mobile applications have become a necessity, Cimmons helps businesses provide services through its web applications from their nascent stage, thus meeting the digital requirement of businesses to serve via web applications.
Cimmons has a long list of sectors that it serves: aviation, education, real estate, banking, automobiles, media and entertainment, and healthcare are a few among many.
A customer-first approach and all-time availability and responsiveness make the workforce of Cimmons top in demand and a most sought after organisation. The management ensures that their team members are well guided and exhibit their knowledgeable skills during work.
Along with an always learning and passionate work culture, precision, accuracy, and transparency are some high values and principles that Cimmons strictly adheres to.
Women’s security is a serious concern for employees in a metropolis like Bengaluru. Cimmons takes a stand for women’s safety in the workplace and shows no tolerance for crime against women.
Living the dream of establishing a successful data-driven organisation in tumultuous and challenging times is a result of the hard work, patience and determination that Mr Sharrath KM and his employees have depicted. It steered Cimmons ahead and made it the best BPO and customer care organisation in India.
Fulfilling the need to meet the huge customers’ demand and resolving the customer issues are essential for businesses to propel and excel. Cimmons trains its employees for its various clients who take care of the customer queries, analyse the important data and even make web applications for clients to serve the needs of the common man.
Recognising the need to serve honestly and transparently even in times of pandemic when many organisations were falling apart, Cimmons held strong. They served its clients, which helped them gain their trust and took the organisation to a position from where it was no looking back.
Success stories like Cimmons (www.cimmons.in) and Mr Sharrath are inspirations for young entrepreneurs to make a mark, win the trust and earn respect. It instils a lesson to those having entrepreneurial dreams that they have to turn the course of the wind and make time favourable for them even during hardships and failures.