Pioneers in Sustainability: Aluminium Paving the Way for the Metal Industry

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The article is provided by Mr. Deepak Mathur, Sr. Vice President, Global Marketing and Sales at Jindal Aluminium Limited

November 26: The world is quickly moving towards reducing its carbon footprint by cutting emissions and saving the environment from further degradation. In this path that leads us to a sustainable future, there is one metal that has proven itself to be better than the rest when it comes to being environmentally friendly.

In any argument on the most sustainable building material in the world, Aluminium is an easy winner. It is because of its highly recyclable attributes and the fact that it does not lose any of its properties in the process. Once put in use, it can be recycled again and again without an iota of quality compromise. One cannot also ignore that 75 per cent of all Aluminum ever produced is still in use. Arguments like these allow Aluminium to score handsomely over other metals when it comes to sustainability.

Meeting Common Goals

Offering the smallest of carbon footprints among competition puts Aluminium-in-use in a better position in the race to sustainability. Given that it can be recycled infinitely and create the same or new product, Aluminium is the most recyclable industrial material.

Today, the Aluminium industry as a whole is adopting practices that make it a leader among green metals. In the downstream Aluminium segment, sustainable practices are being used for decades. Solar and wind energy are used to fuel what is traditionally powered by electricity generated from burning coal, using diesel, and others. The manufacturing process, too, has been redefined with plant waste mitigation measures and automation taking centre stage. These steps have enhanced the capability of Aluminium as a metal towards promoting a sustainable future and lowering carbon footprint through its products.

Offering Quality Products 

Aluminium-in-use stands a better choice among metals to be an ambassador for sustainability also because of the intrinsic qualities. From being soft and malleable to be low weight, Aluminum has a varied application in today’s world.

The density of Aluminium is approximately one-third of the thickness of steel, which is why Aluminium is a light metal. It offers low density because of its lower atomic weight when compared to other metals. Aluminium offers a variety of quality products that include a range comprising wrapping foils, kitchen utensils, window frames, airplane parts, and EVs. All thanks to the particular properties this green metal offers. Given these unique properties, Aluminium can prove to be one of the most rigid metals on earth. Today, Aluminium alloys are used across varied applications where strength and durability are needed.

Creating Sustainability

Aluminium has a bright future as a metal that will help achieve our sustainability targets balancing industrial growth and the environment. Across industries, there is a constant search for greener alternatives, alternatives that will bring about a change with the implementation of sustainable business models.

Aluminium is the third most abundant material on earth after oxygen and silicon, making up 8% of the earth’s crust. It is among the few raw materials among metals that support clean economic growth and employment. By providing greener options to industries like construction, automobile, electrical, and packaging, Aluminium has successfully filled the gap that other metals cannot. EVs, which are perceived to be the next big thing in the automobile sector when it comes to emission-free transport, is also being made possible with the help of Aluminium. When it comes to manufacturing next-generation energy-saving cars, the factor of sustainability and lowered weight have been the guiding force. The utilization of Aluminium for these environmentally-friendly vehicles has become irreplaceable and reinforced its recognition in manufacturing EVs and the necessary support infrastructure required.

Thus, Aluminium has shown that it is a metal offering diverse uses, a leader among green metals, and a solid partner in our sustainability efforts. Its unique offerings and endurance capabilities place it ahead of other materials, paving the way forward for the metal industry.